Iraq is fifth in the world in oil reserves, the cheapest to extract and the most profitable

Iraq is fifth in the world in oil reserves, the cheapest to extract and the most profitable

2022-11-23 02:25

Iraq is fifth in the world in oil reserves the cheapest to extract and the most profitableShafaq News/ Iraq’s oil reserves accounted for 8.4 percent of the world’s reserves, in addition to the cheapest extraction, according to the British company BP.

The company said, in a report seen by Shafaq News agency, that “Iraq’s oil reserves amounted to 145 billion barrels,” indicating that “these reserves constitute 8.4 percent of the world’s oil reserves.”

And she indicated that “Venezuela ranked first with the largest oil reserves in the world, with an amount of 303.8 billion barrels, which constitutes 17.5 percent of the world’s reserves, followed by Saudi Arabia with 297.5 billion barrels, and then Canada came third with 168.1 billion barrels, and then Iran came fourth with 157.8 billion barrels, and Iraq came fourth. Fifth, then Russia came sixth with 107.8 billion barrels, Kuwait came seventh with 101.5 billion barrels, then the UAE came eighth with 97.8 billion barrels, then the United States came ninth with 68.8 billion barrels, and Libya came in tenth place with 48.4 billion barrels.

She explained that “Venezuela has the largest amount of oil reserves in the world with more than 300 billion barrels in reserve, but most of its oil is in the sea or underground and is considered dense, so the cost of extracting oil in Venezuela’s reserves using the technology currently available is too high to be profitable, indicating that the oil reserves in Iraq and Saudi Arabia are close to the surface and on the ground, which makes access to oil more accessible and the extraction process more cost-effective and more profitable.