Iraq concludes a contract with GE to recover “wasted energies”

Iraq concludes a contract with GE to recover “wasted energies”

2024-04-23 03:10

Iraq concludes a contract with GE to recover wasted energiesShafaq News/ Today, Tuesday, the Minister of Electricity, Ziyad Ali Fadel, sponsored with the (GE) company the signing of the central contract to modernize the generating units in gas production stations throughout Iraq.

The contract includes the introduction of modern technologies to suit operational conditions, increase the efficiency of operating units, and recover lost energy (548 megawatt capacity as a first phase), in light of the high temperatures during the summer.

In turn, Minister of Electricity Ziad Ali Fadel said, during the signing of the contract with General Electric, that his ministry will recover a lost 548 megawatts from 12 gas stations and we will increase the efficiency of 48 generating units.

The Minister of Electricity added that next June will witness the introduction of 200 megawatts of lost energies as a first stage, and other energies will be introduced successively.

He pointed out that concluding the contract with GE comes as part of the ministry’s strategy to develop and modernize gas stations and recover lost energy from the same current units.