International Alliance: We were surprised to quickly Iraqi forces in the liberation of Fallujah

International Alliance: We were surprised to quickly Iraqi forces in the liberation of Fallujah

06/24/2016 15:50

International Alliance - We were surprised to quickly Iraqi forces in the liberation of Fallujah{INTERNATIONAL: Euphrates News} {Gen. Doug Chalmers} British assistant to the commander of the international coalition forces, he said, they were surprised by the speed with which a little Odahrtha Iraqi security forces during the operation. They have accomplished more than half and they are located in the northern half of the city.
According to Chalmers at a news conference for accredited journalists at the headquarters of the US Department of Defense , “Pentagon” We were surprised by a little speed exhibited by Iraqi security forces during the operation, it has performed more than half they were in the northern half of the city.
He said , “The fast pace of operations require the security forces to do what we call cleansing again for some spots, and the completion of the cleansing process requires more time, but the pace faster than we thought two weeks ago. ”
on the land that had been cleared by the Iraqi security forces ratio, he said , ” this ratio has had many discussions between in the field and what we see from the aerial photographs of Iraqi security forces. ”
He added that” the Iraqis stated this morning that they have successfully cleared nearly 70% of the city, and that the troops do some clean -up operations again for some spots, but the security forces are in the northern half for the city. ”
on asked about the health of the proportion of the 70% Chalmers said , ” by commanders on the ground information and the presence of these forces in the northern half of the city and the rest of the remnants of Daash the approximate ratio of 70%. ” is over