International Alliance: Reverse Mosul may take weeks

International Alliance: Reverse Mosul may take weeks

17/10/2016 11:20

International Alliance - Reverse Mosul may take weeks{International: Euphrates News} said the new military commander of the international coalition, Lieutenant General Stephen Townsend, on Monday, said that the process initiated by the Iraqi forces to restore the city of Mosul from terrorists Daesh criminal gangs, it may take weeks, “and possibly more.”
He said Townsend, ” The battle looks long and difficult, but the Iraqis prepared and we stand by their side , ” explaining that the coalition has rehabilitated more than 54 thousand men of Iraqi troops and equipment. ”
For its part, the United States expressed its support for military operation against Daesh in Mosul , because it was considered uS Secretary of defense Ashton Carter, that this process is a “defining moment” in the battle against Daesh.
, said Ashton in a statement on Sunday: “We are confident that our Iraqi partners will defeat our common enemy and liberate Mosul and the rest of Iraq from a brutal runner Daesh.”
it was General commander of the armed forces , Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi, announced late Sunday night, the start of the battle to liberate the city of Mosul, calling on residents to cooperate with the liberated forces to accelerate the process of liberation.
for its part announced that the leadership of the fight against terrorism, the allocation of safe corridors for civilians before the arrival of troops liberated to Mosul, according to Abdul – Ghani al – Asadi device leader.
with a spokesman for the popular crowd, MP Ahmad al – Asadi, the people of Mosul to the lack of displacement, describing the cooperation of intelligence as “dazzling.”
for his part , President of the Kurdistan region, this morning, the participation of more than 4 thousand Peshmerga fighter in the battle to liberate Mosul, three in the center of Khazer northern Mosul} {.anthy