Image: Maliki laughs at the funeral of Chalabi
Image: Maliki laughs at the funeral of Chalabi
Published on: 5/11/2015, 19:55
BAGHDAD / Sky Press
It raised a smile of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, in a photo taken of him in the Iraqi political funeral of Ahmad Chalabi, a storm of criticism in social networking sites.
It seems the former prime minister, leader of the Bloc and the rule of law Nuri al-Maliki, standing between other politicians, but the only one who was smiling.
He wrote some bloggers, including a book of famous, a criticism of the smile, with some described as “revenge”, while some of the harshest such as writer Ghalib Shabandar where he described as “inappropriate, not of sorrow, and far from fitness, calculated diplomatically, and the petition, not worthy of the Prime Minister of situations where he could not, and who can not, how can small positions large positions? “.
He adds Shahbandar, a brother Izzat Shahbandar MP who accompanied Chalabi on the last night before his death, “I am talking politically and diplomatically, note I did not say it was a smile Chamt, but tell it smile man does not know the art of politics is not the art of dating and art work.”
He adds Shabandar, who was the harshest critics that “al-Maliki naive, not fluent permit good, not good at Fitness meeting, was not my words about Chalabi, a prophet or an imam, but I talked about Maliki’s approach simple and primitive, and I still say Maliki naive and non-dexterous.”
Shabandar concludes his speech asking, “Is this the behavior of then commander sees his people hungry Grkan flood? Islamic Awalaslamue silly, and his heart stone, something he does not care.”
It is noteworthy that al-Maliki was one of the few actors did not publish a statement of condolence for the death of Chalabi, and this raised questions before the appearance of the image and the funeral.