Government: banks are obliged to pay the full amount requested by the applicant

Government: banks are obliged to pay the full amount requested by the applicant


Government - banks are obliged to pay the full amount requested by the applicantBAGHDAD / JD / .. The prime minister for economic affairs adviser to the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said that slough some banks from paying the full amount requested by the applicant under the pretext of lack of financial liquidity is contrary to the laws and requires the intervention of the Central Bank of Iraq.
Said Saleh told / BD /: “The control and banking subsidiaries CBI Department is responsible for monitoring the safety of liquidity of financial markets and flow and consider complaints and speed to take measures to verify because of non-payment of the banks and the amounts requested by the owner of the funds deposited in the custody of those banks at any time.” .
He added: “that the department study the issue, there are topical problems occur in banks in the world can be remedied and there were problems reach beyond it, and moving towards deterioration and requires the central bank to impose temporary administration of the bank to maintain shareholders’ equity and restore confidence quickly to those banks that have been managed to official licenses and legal undertakings operate under. /anthy/o.s/ ..