Global debt rises to 217 trillion Dollars..america in the lead

Global debt rises to 217 trillion Dollars..america in the lead

07/08/2017 14:08 am (Baghdad time)

Global debt rises to 217 trillion Dollars - america in the leadBaghdad balances News ..
Global debt rose during the year 2017 in an unprecedented way, and amounted to about $ 217 trillion, an increase of 75 trillion dollars from what it was a decade ago.
This religion means that every human being on the surface of the earth, whether a man or a woman or a child owes about $ 29 thousand, according to a financial report released recently.
The report pointed out that the global volume of public debt in 2007, during the global financial crisis, reached $ 142 trillion, of which $ 16 trillion size of the debt of emerging economies.
The public debt jumped in the first quarter of 2017, largely for up to $ 217 trillion, the debt of euro zone countries (19 countries), of which 97.7 trillion dollars, while the total US public debt amounted to about $ 63 trillion, and Britain’s $ 2.2 trillion.
The emerging market debt which stood at $ 56 trillion, $ 33 trillion Chinese public debt and $ 3.6 trillion Brazilian debt, and $ 2.9 trillion, the size of the Indian debt, and $ 500 million only Russian public debt.
Referred to the size of the global public debt in 1996, nearly two decades ago, it amounted to 63.4 trillion dollars, which is equivalent to the size of the US debt in the first quarter of 2017.anthy 29