Former central bank governor: Maliki wasted money building a new home can accommodate for 30 million people

Former central bank governor: Maliki wasted money building a new home can accommodate for 30 million people

Tuesday February 21, 2017 time 10:32

Former central bank governor - Maliki wasted money building a new home can accommodate for 30 million peopleBAGHDAD / Sky Press

Former Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan al-Shabibi, Tuesday, that the former prime minister and leader of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki received more money than all the rulers of the Republic of Iraq together of Abdul Karim Qasim leader Saddam Hussein, and squandered.

Shabibi said in an interview I followed “Sky Press,” “The money received by al-Maliki was enough to build a new home can accommodate up to 30 million people,” noting that “al-Maliki appointed four members of his ruling party big positions within the central bank. They are not for professional even affected The central bank took a random spread widely, and they Director-money laundering department, the director of the legal department, and director of banking surveillance, and Director of the economic Department. ”

He added that “corruption was rife within the central bank by colleagues Maliki in the party,” adding that “the Director-money laundering department allocates money laundering Iraq in favor of the ruling party and legal director of the gloss upon the Director of the banks monitor traders taking sold dollars to private banks associated with the ruling party and president Minister, lower than the market, which amounts to make Iraq lose millions of dollars a day because of this corruption and the smuggling of government budget funds abroad in favor of al-Maliki and Gelaozath. ”

He Shabibi “when he decided to change them came to him a letter from the prime minister prevented him from removal of these corrupt and between the lines of the book veiled threat, and that when the first elements of the gang of corrupt beyond mad Maliki issued by his partner and friend, Medhat al-Mahmoud arrest warrant after he was in Switzerland lecturing about the new monetary policy within the international symposium for the International monetary Fund. ”

Shabibi and between that “then appointed al-Maliki called on the Keywords central bank governor to plunder every provision of the Iraqi state in the amount of $ 67 billion in the last days of his dominance on the government to hand over power to Haider Alebadiomizanah Iraq empty and the Reserve Central Bank ravished, to enter Iraq in a major financial crisis can not advancement including a decade later, even if oil prices improved today. ”

Shabibi He pointed out that “al-Maliki receive more money than all the rulers of the Republic of Iraq” together “of Abdul Karim Qasim leader Saddam Hussein, was being investigated by any unfinished mention the Iraqi people and homeland, it was enough to build a new home according to the latest international standards, can accommodate up to 30 million people live in which the welfare and stability will be security for all people in the world to live in. ”