Five reasons facing the government reform paper … Financial reveal

Five reasons facing the government reform paper … Financial reveal

10/05/2020 18:14:57

Five reasons facing the government reform paper ... Financial reveal{Baghdad: Al Furat News} A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Jamal Cougar, revealed five reasons that stand in the way of the government reform paper.
Cougar said {to Euphrates News} that “there are several reasons that stand in the way of the government reform paper, the most prominent of which are five, which are: The political system was built on error, and the involvement of some parties (he did not name them) with corruption, and the alignment of some security and military forces with the parties, and the Minister of Finance in Mustafa’s government received Al-Kazemi is a 17-year-old heavy corruption legacy.
He added, “Any reform in the government will certainly affect these parties, and therefore they will be in a permanent confrontation.”
Cougar explained, “The current government is temporary, it is four months old and ends after 9 months, and it is not charged with carrying out major reforms.”
The Minister of Finance, Abdul Amir Allawi, confirmed last September that the reform paper would be presented to the government at the end of the month.
In between, the economic reform program needs a long time to present it due to the fact that the economic situation in Iraq is going through a critical situation due to the repercussions of previous cumulative economic policies that passed on the Iraqi state since the 1950s in the last century and so far, especially the legislation of the Agrarian Reform Law and the decisions of the socialist package in addition to the loss of vision The economy weakened the private sector and left all resources in the hands of governments.
Allawi pointed out that the current government suffers from a scarcity of funds that forced it to borrow internally and externally, and it cannot implement the presentation of the paper within the period specified by the law voted on.