Experts: a market economy to achieve comprehensive development

Experts: a market economy to achieve comprehensive development

4/28/2014 0:00

Experts-a market economy to achieve comprehensive developmentThey stressed the need to adopt curriculum reform integrated
BAGHDAD – Shkran Fatlawi stressed experts, researchers and specialists in economic affairs on the need to find appropriate solutions to bring out the Iraqi economy from the problems experienced by, and addressing structural imbalance in the legislation relating to this side and that caused the events of a lot of Alarbakat of the most important performance degradation in implementation of projects and underdevelopment across the country, came during a seminar extended held by the “Institute for the progress of policy development and attended by” morning “. president of the Institute of the progress of the policy development, Dr. Mehdi al-Hafez said that the economy in the post-change in 2003 and the subsequent did not achieve the reform, which was a basic goal of the change process, which resulted in the continuation of the proceeds of the oil industry that plays directed and leader of the economic activities of basic market economy and pointed out that the overall development lies in a market economy, which combines the state administration and the market are paired and this is what poses to be a reference guideline and practical economic performance sought an approach that supports the development of the private sector and make it a leading real national economy and provides potential diversification destruction. implementation of projects and pointed Hafiz that the importance of the reform integrated, which aims to protect the state’s resources and control the implementation of projects and economic plans properly, pointing out that the facts indicate that the level of implementation has fallen. noted that the fiscal and monetary policy are other need repair through the importance of restraint by past agreements between the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Iraq in 2006, which was aimed at restructuring the banking sector, the government of Bmusrfa Rafidain and Rasheed and settlement budgets and building healthy relationships with private banks and private removal All obstacles by creating a sound environment for their work and repair the infrastructure of the banks and the commitment oversight and registration of credit and guarantees necessary and Bending financial auditing and accounting. adoption of the budget , while suggesting Director General of the Trade Bank of Iraq Hamdiya dry in her presentation that there is a reluctance in the projects attributed the reason to the delay in approving the budget, primarily the first as well as the existence of companies that are not efficient, pointing to the need for companies entering foreign discreet to Iraq and to facilitate the procedures in front of these companies. (3) million housing units called dry necessity to hold the reforms required by the assignment of projects to companies sober relying on standard sobriety, efficiency and similar works as well activation of the construction industry to provide raw materials for construction, especially in the area of housing, because the country needs to more than 3 million housing units, she said. expertise of university invited the professor of sociology at the University of Baghdad, Dr. Fawzia Al-Attiyah to create a state of coordination between the university and institutions government in order to benefit from the experience and university research and studies as well as learn from the experiences of other countries and the preservation of human wealth. private sector banking expert Dr. Ali Al-Shalabi said there are calls to move towards a market economy, but the reality of the situation is still the public sector is in control of the levers of the economy process of import are by institutions and not by the private sector, pointing out that the latter is unable to perform the role required in the absence of support for this sector and the migration of capital.