Details of Kamala Harris’ meeting with Al-Sudani in Munich, according to the American account

Details of Kamala Harris’ meeting with Al-Sudani in Munich, according to the American account

2024-02-17 12:43

Details of Kamala Harris meeting with Al-Sudani in Munich according to the American accountShafaq News/ On Friday, the White House revealed the details of the meeting between US Vice President Kamala Harris and Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, indicating the importance of the files discussed in the meeting.

<—- Harris and Al-Sudani sat in the wrong protocol position!!

The White House stated in a statement seen by Shafaq News Agency, “Vice President Kamala Harris met with Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani today in Munich, Germany, and they stressed the importance of a strong and lasting partnership as stipulated in the Strategic Framework Agreement between the United States and Iraq.”

According to the statement, the Vice President affirmed “the United States’ commitment to supporting Iraq in achieving a safe and stable future for its people, which is critical to ensuring a prosperous and interconnected Middle East.”

Harris urged the Iraqi government to “prevent attacks against American personnel,” expressing her “appreciation for the Prime Minister’s efforts in this regard so far.”

She stressed that “the safety of American personnel is a top priority for the United States, and that it will take all necessary measures for self-defense when necessary.”

The statement continued, “The two sides also discussed the importance of continuing the work of the US-Iraqi Supreme Military Committee, which will pave the way for the transition to a permanent bilateral security partnership between the United States and Iraq, which is the next natural step to build on the very successful cooperation over the past ten years between Iraq and the international coalition to defeat ISIS.”

He explained, “The two sides also discussed the importance of continuing cooperation in the fields of economics and energy between the United States and Iraq through the Supreme Coordination Committee and continuing to integrate Iraq economically more broadly into the region.”

The Vice President renewed “President Biden’s invitation to the Sudanese Prime Minister to visit the White House.”

Earlier today, the Prime Minister’s Media Office said in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani met today, Friday, with US Vice President Kamala Harris, on the sidelines of his participation in the Munich Security Conference 2024.”

The statement added, “The meeting witnessed discussion of bilateral relations between Iraq and the United States, and an emphasis on the continuation of dialogue through the Joint Supreme Committee to end the tasks of the international coalition to fight ISIS in Iraq, after the capabilities of the Iraqi armed forces have grown and the threat of the remnants of terrorism has receded.”

He continued, “During the meeting, the transition in the relationship between the United States and Iraq to all aspects of joint bilateral cooperation in all economic and development fields was discussed within the strategic framework agreement between the two countries.”

The Prime Minister reiterated “Iraq’s firm position regarding sovereignty over Iraqi territory, as it is one of the principles that cannot be tolerated or neglected under various reasons and circumstances.”

For her part, Mrs. Kamala Harris conveyed “greetings from US President Joseph Biden,” renewing his invitation to “visit Washington.”

She stressed “the American administration’s keenness on the success of the Iraqi government in various fields and files in facing various challenges,” noting that “the current government has proven its ability to find successful partnerships that will achieve stability in Iraq and contribute to establishing stability in the region.”

She expressed her country’s “interest in the ongoing dialogue through the Joint Supreme Committee regarding ending the mission of the international coalition.”