Deputy in the oil: oil industry in danger because of a deepening political crisis

Deputy in the oil: oil industry in danger because of a deepening political crisis

Date: 02/27/2013 13:09:32 Wednesday

Baghdad (news) .. Rapporteur of the Commission warned oil MP / coalition of Kurdish blocs / Qasim Mohammed Mchkta, the impact of the current political crisis in Iraq’s oil industry, in terms of the withdrawal of international companies and idled some production fields.
And said Mchkta (for the Agency news): The political problems will have significant repercussions on the overall situation in the country, whether political or economic, indicating that the oil industry in danger if the crisis continues.

He added: that the problems will affect the political process if the process aborts a catastrophe will occur in the country, including the oil sector, because there are terrorist elements still exist in the interior of the country, can take advantage of the situation and dominate the oil fields, as happened in Algeria.

He stressed: the need to end political differences because it would hurt everyone and there is no party is excluded from the risk of this crisis.

This Iraq is going through a political crisis and economic, in the absence of approving the budget. / End / 8. N. P /