Demonstration by his supporters in Washington … Trump after losing the electoral appeals: The battle has just begun

Demonstration by his supporters in Washington … Trump after losing the electoral appeals: The battle has just begun


Demonstration by his supporters in Washington ... Trump after losing the electoral appeals - The battle has just begunUS President Donald Trump said that the battle has only just begun, in a series of tweets commenting on the US Supreme Court ruling rejecting a lawsuit to nullify the presidential election results in 4 swing states. While supporters of Trump demonstrated in Washington, DC, demanding a second term for him, chanting slogans of rigging the elections, in which Democrat Joe Biden won.

Trump published a series of successive tweets on his Twitter account, commenting on the Supreme Court ruling rejecting the lawsuit to invalidate the election results in 4 states (Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin), and criticized the court’s decision, saying that it failed him, and that it “lacks wisdom and courage.”

More than 50 federal and state courts ruled the validity of Biden’s victory over Trump in the election, rejecting the lawsuits filed by Trump’s legal team.

The Supreme Court, and the
order was concluded, with the US Supreme Court – the highest court in the country – rejecting the first Friday, Friday, a major lawsuit filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, and supported by Trump and 17 other states, requesting the annulment of the election results – which took place on November 3. The second – in 4 states.

Trump refused to admit his defeat, claiming – without evidence – that widespread fraud prevented him from winning, especially voting by mail, which was a record turnout of American voters for fear of infection with the Corona virus, and most of the votes were by mail for the Democratic candidate Biden.

Trump tweeted five times within two hours on Saturday morning, asserting that the Supreme Court had let him down, and that he was convinced of stealing the elections from him. The president also called on Minister of Justice William Barr to reveal all he had about electoral fraud, and concluded, “Our battle has begun now.”

Rudy Giuliani, a lawyer for President Trump’s campaign, expressed his disappointment at the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear the lawsuit filed by the state prosecutor in Texas.

Giuliani said – in an interview with Fox News – that Trump will continue his electoral battle against the results, indicating that he will file lawsuits at the local level in these states.

On the other hand, Republican Senator Bill Cassidy said that the elections were not stolen from President Donald Trump in favor of President-elect Joe Biden, and that the recent Supreme Court ruling is evidence of this. And he confirmed – in an interview with Fox News – that the elections had ended, and that Trump recognized Biden’s victory when he ordered the start of the transfer procedures.

in Washington In a related context, hundreds of Trump supporters gathered to demonstrate in Washington on Saturday at the invitation of the right-wing Proud Boys movement, and other right-wing groups supporting President Trump joined it, including the “Stop theft.”

The demonstrators demanded that Congress not accept the electoral college votes that its delegates would cast in the capitals of the American states on Monday to choose the US president.

Hundreds of Trump supporters demonstrated in Washington Saturday, echoing allegations of fraud in the presidential elections (Anatolia)
. Many of the “Broad Boys” movement were wearing camouflage uniforms, jackets and helmets during their participation in the Washington protest, and some protesters echoed conspiracy theories about the presidential elections, which are what the right adopts The extreme.

Similar protests are planned in the capitals of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada and Arizona, states in which the Trump campaign requested a recount.

Michael Flynn, the former National Security Adviser, who was pardoned by Trump a few days ago, participated in the Washington protest, and defended – in a speech to Trump’s supporters – the president’s repeated accusations of rigging the elections, and added that “the courts are not the ones that decide who will be the next president of the United States, but rather The people decide.

Protests are planned in the capitals of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada and Arizona, states where the Trump campaign has requested a recount.