Citizens are angry because of the low price of the dinar against the dollar

Citizens are angry because of the low price of the dinar against the dollar


Citizens are angry because of the low price of the dinar against the dollarCitizens spread anger on social media due to the low exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar.

It is noteworthy that “the Council of Ministers held an emergency session this morning to approve the draft federal budget law for 2021, but it postponed it until tomorrow.”

During the past 24 hours, social networking sites in Iraq have witnessed a state of popular anger against the government because of this decline, especially among the employees who receive their salaries in dinars.

He pointed out that “some exchange offices in Baghdad sold the 100 dollars today, Saturday, for 137 thousand, while some offices refused to buy and sell.”

This crisis comes after a document was leaked stating that an item was placed in the budget in 2021 indicating that the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar would rise to 145,000 dinars for every $ 100, after it had stabilized between 122 and 125 thousand.