Chihod calls for a “strike hard” for the currency manipulators

Chihod calls for a “strike hard” for the currency manipulators

07/28/2015 11:23 GMT

Chihod calls for a strike hard for the currency manipulatorsFollow-up – and babysit – called member of a coalition of state law, MP Mohammad Chihod Prime Minister to zero tolerance and beaten with an iron hand with each accused of beating the currency and rising. Dollar
Said Chihod in a press release “proved after investigations into organized crime directorate that there politicians and influential in the government and the banks have had a hand in the rising currency rates and hit the Iraqi economy, adding that the manipulation of the Iraqi currency is very dangerous because it threatens the Iraqi economy and therefore I think the government today demanding an end for these actions and hit him with an iron fist for both manipulated the Iraqi economy

He stressed that “there is political pressure exerted on the Prime Minister in order to cover up these spoilers on the grounds all the political blocs is committed to a set of spoilers

Chihod Prime Minister and demanded that this is not subject to political pressures and beaten with an iron fist for each of the manipulated currency regardless of the person revealed their names to the Iraqi people to know of and behind the theft of his strength