“Charges accumulate eight trillion Iraqi dinars.” .. Kurdish opposition looming prosecution of Baghdad and Erbil
“Charges accumulate eight trillion Iraqi dinars.” .. Kurdish opposition looming prosecution of Baghdad and Erbil
18-06-2012 08:25 AM
Threatened to block the opposition in the Parliament of the Kurdistan region of claim with the court the federal to the governments in Baghdad and Erbil on charges of accumulating eight trillion dinars, is the region’s share of the federal government, as carried the majority of the parliamentary opposition, the responsibility not to adopt the budget and the approach «chaos and deception and breach of law».
and hold the Kurdish parliament series sessions devoted to discussion of the budget that delayed approval of nearly eight months, the last two sessions held on Saturday night attended by the ministers of finance and planning in the province, the center of heated arguments and recriminations.
accused the list «Kurdistan» which represent the two main parties has a majority in parliament in a statement, blocks the opposition to «create chaos in the parliament sessions as well as to follow the style of deception, conspiracy and violations of the law, as part of its plans for the abuse to the draft budget and deform and reduce the positive aspects », laden with Baghdad responsibility« delay in approving the federal budget, and non-payment of allowances region since 2007, especially the expenses of the Peshmerga and the sovereign expenditure in excess of 6 trillion dinars, creating a deficit every year ».
and add the balance in the region to the outstanding issues originally between Baghdad and Erbil, the oil and the disputed areas, and the Peshmerga, and says the Kurdish government that it did not receive only 10 percent of the 17 percent of the federal budget.
On the other hand according to the opposition in a statement that «the Kurdish bloc to defend the budget in 2012, while it is full of loopholes and corruption, and want approval without undergoing reform», adding that «the Government of the Territory is primarily responsible for the delay in adoption of the budget for eight months», and pointed out that «the funds accumulated by the Baghdad government, which more than 8 trillion dinars, failed to recover from the Government of the Territory, so we have the right to file a lawsuit against the Governments of the region and Baghdad ». The statement expressed the insistence of the opposition «to discuss the budget and revealed gaps and tackling corruption and waste of public money». He announced the formation of a committee composed of journalists and activists to organize the civilian demonstrations and wide in the event of adoption of the budget and failure to address the gaps that riddled, and not announce the details of public opinion.
Source: ahraraliraq