CBI looking at mechanisms to support investment in Iraqi dinar

Central Bank, Saturday, search mechanisms to support investment in Iraqi dinars, pointing out that he was seeking to boost his tally including currency makes it controlled.

The central bank governor said Abdul Basit Turki agency, following a meeting directors-general of private banks and the Iraqi civil operating in the country, for “obelisk” that “it is necessary to develop plans modern and necessary for the advancement of the level of the Iraqi dinar and the involvement of private banks Iraqi foreign to this approach.”

“The meeting included discussion of the mechanics of investing in support exchange value of the Iraqi dinar and stabilize the market and go to further contributions to these banks operating in the country in support of these necessary steps,” stressing that “private banks Iraqi and foreign proved contribution actors in the development of the economy in the country” .

The governor of the Central Bank of Iraq in search of the 13 of February with a number of foreign banks ways to expand its work in Iraq.

The CBI attributed the earlier reason for not attracting well known international companies to invest in Iraq, the internal and external factors, is the external ones that Iraq is still under Chapter VII which he considers threatened state of peace, as well as the difficulties large facing investor such as the allocation of land plots of projects and a lot of other obstacles.
