Barzani gives the Iraqi government “3 days” to view the alternative referendum

Barzani gives the Iraqi government “3 days” to view the alternative referendum

2017/09/20 10:14

Barzani gives the Iraqi government 3 days to view the alternative referendumBaghdad today – follow-up

President of the Kurdistan Region Massoud Barzani gave the Iraqi government three days to provide an alternative to the referendum on the independence of the Kurdistan region scheduled to be held on the 25th of this month, among the promises that “rubber” will not discourage the Kurds from their demand for independence.

Barzani said in a speech during a meeting with crowds in the district of Suran that “if Baghdad provided a suitable alternative to the referendum during the next three days and international guarantees, we can postpone.”

Barzani explained that “the alternative must be written in clear language does not accept any interpretation, and be with international guarantees and the presence of US and European and the United Nations,” adding that “the referendum is only a means and not an end, we want independence.”

He pointed out that “any promises verbal or rubber letters will not discourage the Kurds from their demand for independence.”

Baghdad is not expected to agree to the condition of Kurdistan, where steps have been taken to escalate the latest Supreme Court decision to postpone the referendum, which was officially requested by the Prime Minister Haider Abadi. In addition to the position of America, Iran and Turkey, which rejects the referendum.

The president of the Kurdistan region will visit Sulaymaniyah province on Wednesday to attend a special festival to “support the referendum,” amid tight measures by the security services.