Banks should be required to set the controls for the sale of hard currency to prevent a repeat of smuggled abroad

Haji MP: Banks should be required to set the controls for the sale of hard currency to prevent a repeat of smuggled abroad
On: Tuesday 06/19/2012 10:12

Baghdad (news) .. The member of the Finance Committee MP / mass change / Church Mustafa Haji, to force the banks controls set for the sale of hard currency to prevent a repeat of smuggled abroad.
said Haji (the Agency news) said on Tuesday: The conduct of the Central Bank of the last to open multiple ports for the sale of hard currency in all of Iraqi banks, will help stabilize the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, but it must be punctuated by certain controls require banks to prevent the occurrence of a currency smuggling abroad. He pointed to: that the central bank when it allowed the Iraqi banks sell foreign currency stay with her ​​following the specific mechanisms of how to sell, But most banks in Iraq did not comply with legal procedures and perhaps are still smuggling operations exist because of the lack of effective control by the Central Bank. He added, should be set up monitoring committees to follow up the work of Iraqi banks with respect to the sale of hard currency to prevent the return of smuggled abroad, because it will affect the economy the national and the local currency. The central bank has allowed all banks Iraqi government and private sale of hard currency “dollar”, as a result increase its value against the Iraqi dinar during the past few weeks, which was born under constant pressure on the Central to open multiple ports for the sale of hard currency for the return of the dinar exchange rate of natural in front of the U.S. dollar. / Finished / 8. d. Q /
Source: ikhnews