Baghdad declares its support for the work of investment banks in Iraq

Baghdad declares its support for the work of investment banks in Iraq


BAGHDAD / JD / .. Baghdad province announced its support for the work of investment banks in Iraq. A statement issued by the province received / JD / copy of it: that the first deputy governor of Baghdad, Mohammed Al Shammari discussed with the delegation of the Mediterranean Bank cooperation with banks to coordinate their work in support of investment activity within the province. The Park-Shammari of the bank to open a new branch in Baghdad, stressing that establishing security and the withdrawal of U.S. forces and the evolution of the political process, democracy has provided the appropriate atmosphere for investment in Iraq. They emphasized the First Vice “Today we are in dire need to contribute to international companies that have the competence and expertise in the implementation of projects and the development process needs also to the role of banks and government banks and private domestic and foreign financing and the provision of soft loans and letters of guarantee and provide all banking facilities required to support development projects. He added that we have inherited heavy legacy in the area of lack of services and projects in various areas of infrastructure, housing and service facilities, and we need concerted efforts for the advancement of the city in various sectors and the provision of the success of the development process, particularly the revitalization of the banking sector, banks and their contribution as required. For his part, MP pointed out that technical Kamel Saadi said the project is divided into two parts, first by our staff technical a project which allocated funds by the State through annual budgets and the second part is through the entry of investors and will the Baghdad government, local support and motivation for them. said Saadi One of the main gates of entry investors of the country are the investment banks of any who are associates or sponsors and we rely on the investment banks bring in investors, traders previously with them, which is a support and a guarantee for them. said Executive Director of the Bank of the Mediterranean, Mr. Muhammad Ali in Baghdad, we need to study the size of projects and investments in Iraq and especially the housing sector and real estate and the process of attracting and financing of investors and their support and to give guarantees to them. adding we need support and guidance by the government of Baghdad, local plans that make us the right way in the field of investment and support for Arab investors and the Iraqis through the financing and provision of all the rights needed for them. “The We are asking the government to give us the local laws in force in Iraq in terms of commercial laws and banking laws and we will invite investors who have been dealing with them abroad to go into Iraq and give them incentives and legal and financial guarantees. / Finished / 22 /
Source: dananernews