Ayad Jamal Aldin sends a controversial message for Donald Trump

Ayad Jamal Aldin sends a controversial message for Donald Trump

Monday 02-05-2016 | 5:23:19

Ayad Jamal Aldin sends a controversial message for Donald TrumpTwilight News / Political suggested Ayad Jamal al- Din, a presidential candidate Donald Trump, inter alia , in the case of access to the White House, in order to “stop Islamic terrorism.”
According to the publication on his logged in to Facebook, followed Twilight News, Jamal al- Din headlined an open letter Republican presidential candidate, “to Donald Trump may God assist him.”
According to the details of the message, “If you want to stop Islamic terrorism, you need to activate the role of the Security Council,” issuing decisions of the Security Council, as “political Islam” the principle of Haddam dangerous than Nazism and communism, to issue decrees of the Security Council, obliges Muslim states, imposing secularism. ”

He said in his address to trump any Islamic state, reject the application of secularism, it should expelled from the United Nations and the prohibition to deal with, and considered the epicenter producer for “Islamic terrorism.”

He continued, “Dear Trump, I’m sure that all the Muslim rulers with the exception of Iran Cieckronk to impose secularism on them and their countries and their people. Dear Trump .. Arab and Muslim rulers, they say, applies to crave and ashamed. ” They love any secular and fear its consequences. Vajbarham it. ”

He also mentioned “As Muslims, those concentrations of unemployed, yesterday they were communists and nationalists, days tide Communist and nationalist, and today have become Islamists, tomorrow the Muslims will turn to something else. Stopped broadcasting religious Sunni and Shiite channels, preventing broadcast Friday sermons. And they will change gradually. ”

“Dear Trump, I’m desperate appearance of Ataturk another Muslim. I hope that you have a global Ataturk, secularism imposes forced the Muslims. Dear Dzet good Trump, the biggest mistakes committed by your ancestors, is America ‘s quest to spread democracy and freedom in our country , before the publication of “the secular” says Jamal al- Din.
He concluded his “secular first. Secularism. And the imposition of the principle of equality between the Muslim and non – Muslim .. that is to eliminate the key Islamic terrorism. ”
