Arabs against the re-election of Obama?!!

Arabs against the re-election of Obama?!!


Palm – an opinion poll showed the declining popularity of President Barack Obama, in the world “dramatically” since he took office in 2009.

The poll, released on Wednesday, the Pew Center on the U.S. for research and included 26 thousand people in 21 countries, that confidence in Obama than 86% in 2009 to 80% in Europe, and 85% to 74% in Japan, two regions which have Obama the two most popular rates.

And received the issue of re-election, supported by majorities large in France (92%) and Germany (89%) and Britain (73%) and Spain (71%) and Italy (69%) and the Czech Republic (67%) and Brazil (72%) and Japan (66%).

However, the Middle East has less desire to be re-elected, as opposed to the majority in Egypt (76%) re-election, against 73% in Jordan and 62% in Lebanon.

But despite the frustration of some of his policies, such as the growing opposition to the drone attacks in Pakistan, Yemen and other areas, there is still support him to remain in office for another four years in some areas in the world.

Overall, the decline in support for Obama’s policies International since 2009. The decline in support from 78% to 63% in Europe, and 34% to 15% in Muslim countries, and from 40% to 22% in Russia, and 57% to 27% in China, from 77% to 58% in Japan, and 56 % to 29% in Mexico.
Source: nakhelnews