American activist: The majority of Americans are ignorant of politics and are proud of their stupidity

American activist: The majority of Americans are ignorant of politics and are proud of their stupidity

17:16 – 13/06/2021

American activist - The majority of Americans are ignorant of politics and are proud of their stupidityInformation / translation.

The American human rights activist Randy Short stressed, on Sunday, that the majority of Americans are politically ignorant and arrogantly proud of their stupidity.

Short was quoted by the Tehran Times, in an interview translated by Al-Maalouma, as saying, “The American masses have been conditioned to be mental dwarves and ignorant giants, since in America there are tens of millions who are unable to read after elementary school and tens of millions of illiterates.”

He added, “Many of those millions do not speak English, less than 3 percent of the American public read, and every year dozens of newspapers and periodicals stop working due to a lack of subscribers, even though the same percentage of addicts to drugs, alcohol, hallucinogens and pornography added a few minutes Every day for reading into their busy schedule, American audiences would be among the most enlightened in the world.”

Millions of young Americans each year learn how to become gay, they have no education in history, civics, social studies, geography, even music or art, while nearly all American colleges have remedial classes to teach semi-illiterate students how to read and write after two Ten years of academic study.

He noted that “the ruling elite in the United States destroyed the education system in order to make stupid people into slaves. The civil rights and anti-war movements of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s terrorized the American ruling classes who realized that their dominance was threatened by an educated public, and began to use the means of Media, entertainment, education, food and polluted water. And even religion to make people passive and weak.” finished/ 25 z