America: Trump winning and losing in front of Sanders Clinton in New Hampshire

America: Trump winning and losing in front of Sanders Clinton in New Hampshire

02.10.2016 10:10

America - Trump winning and losing in front of Sanders Clinton in New Hampshire[Follow-up – where]
billionaire Donald Trump won and Sen. Bernie Sanders primaries conducted in the state of New Hampshire for the selection of candidates for the Republican and Democratic parties of the US presidential race in 2016.
The results of the vote Democrats for Sen. Bernie Sanders, a 74-year on 60% of the vote, compared with 38% the previous Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Acknowledged Ruby Mok, director of the Clinton campaign defeat in New Hampshire, and attributed the campaign, Sanders win the vote of African American and Latin him.
for its part, congratulated Hillary Clinton Sanders beating via her “Twitter.”
Shortly after the declaration of results of the vote, Sanders said in a speech to his supporters to vote in the New Hampshire primary results indicate the beginning of a “political revolution unite Americans and increase political participation”, promising Americans to expand health and social insurance coverage and the protection of women’s rights, if elected president.
As Donald Trump has issued the first position to the results of the vote Republicans in the state of New Hampshire, to compensate for this loss last time in Iowa in front of Ted Cruz.
he received Trump on 35% of the vote counted, 14 percent of the vote, while John Kaciec governor to resolve the state of Ohio in the second place with 16% of the vote, followed by Ted Cruz in the third.
It was Cruz has won the majority of votes of Republican voters in the primaries witnessed by Iowa state last week, while Clinton won the Democratic party’s election, and scheduled to take place in the states of Nevada and South Carolina the following phases of the primaries Almqublh.anthy