America confirms its commitment to the “strategic framework” agreement with Iraq

America confirms its commitment to the “strategic framework” agreement with Iraq


America confirms its commitment to the strategic framework agreement with IraqThe US President, Joe Biden, dispelled the doubts that were circulated during the last period, regarding the occurrence of a change by the White House regarding the current Iraqi government led by Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani.
This came during a phone call that the US President made with the Iraqi prime minister, during which he renewed the US commitment to the stability of Iraq, and to the “strategic framework” agreement that regulated the relationship between Baghdad and Washington since its signing in 2008, during the era of the first government of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.
A statement issued by the White House stated that Biden discussed with Al-Sudani, during the phone call, “regional developments.” He added that Biden “affirmed the United States’ commitment to the strategic framework agreement with Iraq, and praised the prime minister’s efforts to strengthen Iraq’s sovereignty and independence.” He continued, “The two leaders renewed their commitment to ensuring that ISIS will not be able to threaten the Iraqi people again or regional and international security.”
The statement stated that “President Biden took the opportunity of the Jordanian monarch’s visit to the White House to invite him to join the call, and King Abdullah II affirmed Jordan’s support for Iraq, including through joint strategic infrastructure projects.”
Biden welcomed the upcoming visit of the Iraqi Foreign Minister, Fouad Hussein, and his accompanying delegation to Washington next week, to continue discussing the agreed programs.
Biden’s call comes days before an expected visit by the Iraqi foreign minister, accompanied by the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, to ​​Washington, to discuss the crisis of rising dollar prices with the US Federal Bank. Iraq hopes to give him a grace period in order to be able to ensure the stability of the market, by reducing the price of the dollar. The Iraqi prime minister hinted, two days ago, in a televised interview with the official Iraqi channel, that there are circumstances that prevent him from visiting the United States now, which critics interpreted to Al-Sudani as indicating that there was no American desire for that, but Biden’s call dispelled those doubts.