Allawi warns against forming an “powerless” Iraqi government

Allawi warns against forming an “powerless” Iraqi government

2022-02-12 02:05

Allawi warns against forming an powerless Iraqi governmentShafaq News/ The leader of the National Coalition, head of the Civil National Front, Iyad Allawi, warned on Saturday against forming an Iraqi government that is “powerless” due to political differences, noting that “Iraq has become a laughingstock to the world.”

Allawi told Shafaq News Agency, “The internal political division between Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds, will generate a powerless divided government.”

He added, “We decided a long time ago not to enter the elections because of the knowledge of their results, and Iraq has become a joke to the world, because of what is happening in the political process,” expressing his hope “that the political situation in Iraq will improve during the coming period.”

He pointed out that “the Sadrist movement is not able to form a majority government and there is a disabled third,” noting that “the issue is not a political majority, but we want the government to be a majority and consensual at the same time.”

Allawi stressed the necessity of “compliance with the political forces to form the government,” stressing, “We are not part of forming the government, but we are working to bring the views of the political parties closer.”