Allawi has reservations on the direction of al-Abadi to form a new government of technocrats

Allawi has reservations on the direction of al-Abadi to form a new government of technocrats

13.2.2016 17:21

Allawi has reservations on the direction of al-Abadi to form a new government of technocrats[Baghdad – where]
President of the National Coalition, Iyad Allawi announced his reservation on the direction of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to form a new government of technocrats, surprising announcement Abadi his government, which is also the technocrats and ministers from the failure of higher education.
Said in a statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, “We Nwcr on a daily basis, and for a long time, imbalances structural and functional government list and the need for a deep and comprehensive treatments, but we have reservations on the alternative vision that pointed to it Abadi in the government of technocrats.”
He said Allawi “the Abadi described the current government as a government of technocrats and most of them holding advanced degrees have presented to the House of Representatives, and recorded the day failing and wants to replace them with new technocratic government, what except Mmabda?”.
He noted that “address imbalances and straighten tracks Ajribt change the ministry, but the status Map Using adjusted deviations of the political process, and opens the way for the exit of political sectarianism and achieve national reconciliation. ”
Allawi stressed that” it requires a prompt professional institution-building, Bmaevda to strengthen the authority of the state has no authority body, freeing the usurped territories, and to curb bridle militias, and re-displaced people, and to hold accountable spoilers, and to correct the economic situation of Iraq and others, note the regional and international complex situation. ”
he explained that the” correct the situation requires a political pause exceptional and capable to put embark roadmap to achieve the reforms and bring the government is able to implement and not escape from the benefits and buy time. ”
the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has called in a televised speech last Tuesday, the cabinet change materially, to include professional figures and technocrats, academics, “calling on the House of Representatives and all the political blocs to cooperate with him in this dangerous stage.
as Abadi, on Thursday announced during a news conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, he was” waiting for rose act of political blocs on the cabinet reshuffle, “noting that” there are many efficiencies in Iraqi society can take advantage of them. ”
and said Saad al-Hadithi spokesman Abadi Office, formation of a committee for the selection of new candidates for the management of ministries, which will change its ministers, saying in a press statement, “the list of names of the ministers who are scheduled to replace them with more efficient and professional with others, will be announced after the approval of the House of Representatives on the above by the Prime Minister on the fundamental change” .anthy