Alasaib preparing for battle against the Americans, and assume responsibility for losses Abadi

Alasaib preparing for battle against the Americans, and assume responsibility for losses Abadi

Tuesday 22 March 2016 | 11:46

Alasaib preparing for battle against the Americans and assume responsibility for losses AbadiBAGHDAD / … military spokesman for the League of the revelation of truth Jawad Tlabawi, Tuesday, ready for Alasaib forces to wage the battle against US forces entered Iraq under the pretext of fighting Daash a few days ago, and while pointing out that “now Alasaib began searching for the rules that the Staskar US forces in Iraq in order to target planning and the expulsion of all the soldiers, he noted that the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi will bear the responsibility for what Torth the battle against the Americans remnants of the human and material losses.

He Tlabawi’s “Eye of Iraq News,” “The League of the Righteous is ready to hand the kit number to wage a fierce battle against the wild foreign troops that had entered Iraq a few days ago under the pretext of supporting the security forces in their war against factions terrorist Daash, while carrying the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi what Torth the battle against the Americans remnants of the human and material losses. ”

“The entry of foreign ground troops to Iraq without the consent of the people and the House of Representatives rejected an order is in terms of law and Shara and morality,” and urged “the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to the statement of the official attitude toward the entry of these forces into Iraqi territory.”

He noted that “US forces when they were occupies Iraq for several years starting from 2003, the League of the Righteous was to possess advanced military capabilities and Qaibdthm serious losses, in lives and equipment until forced to withdraw from Iraq,” pointing out “the taste of the painful horrors Sttlaekayaa US troops It entered Iraq with the evolution of the readiness and preparations Alasaib quo in previous years. ”

“The Alasaib began now searching for bases where US forces in Iraq Staskar for planning Asthedvha and the expulsion of all the soldiers.”

It is said that the central leadership of the international coalition forces announced the arrival of US special forces to Iraq in coordination with the central government in Baghdad to participate in the war against terror Daash.

The Central Command said coalition forces in a press release, “The forces of the special operations unit 26 Marines from the US Marines of the base Legion camp in North Carolina arrived, yesterday, to Iraq to support military operations to Iraqi forces and coalition forces against Daash terrorist.

Leadership and added that the troops had been sent after consultation with the Iraqi government, “noting that” the Special Unit 26 will be in coordination with the US Fifth Fleet Marine, who is in the scope of the Arabian Gulf and the Red Sea region to secure the security situation there as well as part of the Indian Ocean. Finished fourth