Al-Zobaie: Al-Halbousi’s Behavior Will Lead Him To Dismissal Soon

Al-Zobaie: Al-Halbousi’s Behavior Will Lead Him To Dismissal Soon

2022/05/24 | 11:28 AM

Al-Zobaie - Al-Halbousis Behavior Will Lead Him To Dismissal Soon Information / Baghdad.

Former parliament member Talal Al-Zobaie confirmed, on Tuesday, that the general behavior and unique performance of Parliament Speaker Muhammad Al-Halbousi generated a great state of resentment among Sunni politicians and clans, indicating that this behavior and performance will lead Al-Halbousi soon to the dismissal of his post.

Al-Zoba’i said in a statement to / the information /, that “the phenomenon of possession and domination practiced by the Speaker of Parliament in Anbar province and the policy of silencing the mouths of all those who oppose it is a new phenomenon for the Sunni community in particular,” noting that “the policy of exclusivity in the Sunni political decision has become a feature of the president’s Parliament Muhammad al-Halbousi, and this behavior generated a state of popular rejection in the Sunni provinces, despite his attempts to lure political and clan figures, but it did not succeed, and the state of resentment is expanding.”

He added that “the general administrative performance of the House of Representatives is not different from its political behavior, especially after the issue of punishing the independent deputy, Basem Khashan, and for exceeding the limits of the internal system of the House of Representatives,” adding that “Al-Halbousi is likely to be dismissed from his position soon due to the presence of a Sunni movement in this direction.”

A well-informed political source had revealed, in a previous statement to “The Information”, that the leader of the Progress Party, MP Muhammad Tamim, had negotiated with other political parties, most notably a coalition of determination to dismiss the current Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad al-Halbousi, indicating that Tamim would be one of the candidates to take over the position. finished/25pm