Al-Sudani: Parliament’s movement is weak…a new political map is awaiting

Al-Sudani: Parliament’s movement is weak…a new political map is awaiting


Al-Sudani - Parliaments movement is weak...a new political map is awaitingInformation/Exclusive..
The representative of the State of Law Coalition, Muhammad Saadoun Al-Sudani, considered today, Sunday, the recent performance of the House of Representatives “not at the required level” legislative and oversight, in between the fact that the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia’a Al-Sudani, employed and appointed personalities close to him in government institutions.
Al-Sudani said, in an interview with Al-Maalouma Agency, that “the movement of the current government at the present time is faster than the movement of the House of Representatives,” pointing out that “the level of Parliament is not at the level required by the legislative and supervisory authorities.”
He added, “The next stage will witness a new political map,” noting that “the Prime Minister entered the domestic and international political equation, and therefore he will have a role in the upcoming elections.”
Regarding the rumors about Al-Sudani hiring and appointing personalities close to him in government institutions, Saadoun explained, “This matter is untrue and devoid of accuracy,” noting that “the main aim of this fabrication is to exclude the Sudan clan and its competencies.”
The member of the House of Representatives explained, “The current government has proven that it is up to the challenge and the citizen and has changed his state of frustration,” adding, “For the first time, the Sudanese government is a reference government for a national political coalition that represents all components.”
The spokesman for the Azm Parliamentary Bloc, Representative Muhammad Abd Rabbo, had described the performance of the House of Representatives in its current session as “poor” and the lack of seriousness in presenting service files, indicating that the current parliamentary session is the most critical in the history of Iraq.