Al-Maliki’s Coalition: The Food Security Law Is Unconstitutional And Is Nothing More Than A Dead Letter

Al-Maliki’s Coalition: The Food Security Law Is Unconstitutional And Is Nothing More Than A Dead Letter


Al-Malikis Coalition - The Food Security Law Is Unconstitutional And Is Nothing More Than A Dead LetterEarth News/ Today, Thursday, the State of Law coalition considered the emergency food security support law illegal and cannot be applied despite the vote of the Iraqi parliament unless the next federal government is formed.

And the coalition said in a statement, received by Earth News, that “the law of emergency support for food security, and despite its inclusion by our deputies of paragraphs useful for the popular classes and the various social strata of those whose contracts have been terminated, the holders of higher degrees, farmers and others, but it collides with the decision of the Federal Court as it is unconstitutional and a decision was issued against him.” It has become an obligation.”

He added, “It was our position that the government would resort to other alternatives that preserve the constitutional and legal contexts, but the insistence of the Presidency of the Parliament to proceed with it and its non-compliance with the decision of the Federal Court makes it a regressive step and a violation of the principle of separation of powers and respect for the judicial institution.”

And the coalition added that “according to the decision of the Federal Court, the law is not more than a dead letter but to be implemented when forming the new government,” noting that “the situation was confined between allowing others to proceed with it in its first form tainted by suspicions of corruption and waste of public money and the allocation of sums from Finance is in clear violation because the current government is a daily caretaker government, and between making the amendments that fulfill the demands of the Iraqi people and its various segments and meet the need for food, electricity and real services requirements provided that the judiciary is respected and that this law does not conflict with the decision of the Federal Court.

He concluded that “the realization of the demands of the segments could have been achieved by relying on the law of financial management and exchange according to the 1/12 system and that it is not permissible to insist on violating the Federal Court because that challenges the judiciary and thus challenges the entire political process.”