Al-Maliki’s coalition reveals the slogan of the new Iraqi government and the date of its formation

Al-Maliki’s coalition reveals the slogan of the new Iraqi government and the date of its formation

2022-06-22 06:41

Al-Malikis coalition reveals the slogan of the new Iraqi government and the date of its formationShafaq News/ The State of Law coalition bloc revealed, on Wednesday, that the new government will have another slogan that differs from its predecessor, as well as the date of its formation.

The leader of the coalition, MP Muhammad Al-Sayoud, told Shafaq News Agency, “The coordinating framework sent a letter to the political blocs to expedite the formation of the new government, because the current situation in the country is very difficult and dangerous, especially the economic and living situation of the citizen.”

He added that “it is necessary for everyone to participate in a government under the slogan (national service),” noting that “one of the priorities of the (national service) government is to provide services to the citizen and improve the living situation in the country.”

Al-Sayud continued, “The real movement to form the government will be after Eid al-Adha,” noting that “there is no agreement on naming a specific candidate for prime minister.”

And earlier today, Wednesday, the coordination framework, which brings together the Shiite political forces, denied the nomination of the head of the “Al-Fateh” coalition, the Secretary-General of the Badr Organization, Hadi Al-Amiri, for the position of prime minister for the next federal government.

The leader in the framework, Fadel Mawat, told Shafaq News Agency, “The news that talked about Al-Amiri for the prime ministership during the next stage, is inaccurate and untrue, and the framework so far has not entered into the issue of discussing the names nominated for the position of Prime Minister.”

The leader of the Sovereignty Alliance, Ahmed al-Jubouri, “Abu Mazen”, announced in a tweet he posted on his account on social networking sites “Twitter” yesterday, Tuesday, the nomination of Hadi al-Amiri for prime minister, describing the nomination as a “correct choice.”

Since the leader of the Sadrist movement announced the resignation of the deputies of his 73-member parliamentary bloc and his withdrawal from the political process in Iraq, local media began circulating names of personalities as candidates for the coordination framework – al-Sadr’s rival – for the position of prime minister.