Al-Kazemi’s advisor: Announcing the actual implementation of the white paper soon

Al-Kazemi’s advisor: Announcing the actual implementation of the white paper soon

07-08-2021 12:24 AM

Al-Kazemis advisor - Announcing the actual implementation of the white paper soonThe economic advisor to the Prime Minister, Alaa Abdel Hussein, confirmed that the actual implementation of the white paper will soon be announced, while noting that there are central and sub-committees to implement it .

Abdul Hussein said in a televised statement, Wednesday, that “Iraq over the past decades has suffered from economic problems,” noting that “the Iraqi economy has gone through several stages, which made it rentier and dependent on oil .”

He added, “There is an increase in population growth by 3% annually and our resources are limited,” noting that “the white paper included analyzing and diagnosing economic problems and identifying effective solutions .”

He continued, “We are working with various ministries to identify projects for the official announcement of the actual implementation of the white paper,” stressing, “Very soon, the actual implementation of the white paper will be announced .”

He pointed out that “there are central and sub-committees to implement the white paper,” noting that “the projects mentioned in the white paper are of a professional, not political, character .”