Al-Kazemi, on the anniversary of the twentieth revolution: We refuse to compromise our national sovereignty

Al-Kazemi, on the anniversary of the twentieth revolution: We refuse to compromise our national sovereignty

6/30/2020 13:40

Al-Kazemi on the anniversary of the twentieth revolution - We refuse to compromise our national sovereignty[Baghdad-Ain]
Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi congratulated the Iraqi people on the 100th anniversary of the twentieth revolution, stressing that this anniversary inspires us more determination to launch strategic plans to build the country and meet the aspirations of broad social strata.

In a statement to Al-Kazemi’s media office, she received [Wayne]: “I congratulate our proud Iraqi people on the 100th anniversary of the Eternal National Revolution, which occupies a cherished place in the conscience of our people, as the first liberating revolution in their modern history, as it came for the Iraqis to govern themselves, and this What we aspire resolutely to accomplish today by seeking to consolidate the values ​​of citizenship, constitutional rights and human rights and reject any prejudice to our national sovereignty. ”

The statement added, “One of the great aspects of the twentieth revolution … was that it was truly the revolution of all Iraqis for the sake of all Iraqis, and this was confirmed by feelings of deep solidarity and the feeling that there is a common interest for all people to win.”

He continued: “Hence the importance of recalling the foundations and premises of the twentieth revolution, and the necessity of being inspired by the noble values ​​and goals that were heralded in order to face the challenges and dangers, and highlighting the courageous role that our religious references stood, as well as our proud tribes and the masses of our people in cities and rural areas in their response to foreign occupation, and this reaffirms again Its current role also strongly indicates the importance of the Iraqi tribes to support the state, law and civil peace, as well as harnessing all our energies to provide health supplies such as medicines, equipment and devices to defeat the Corona epidemic that ravaged the entire world, including Iraq.

The Prime Minister indicated, according to the statement, “This anniversary now also inspires us with more determination to launch strategic plans to build our homeland on solid foundations that meet the aspirations of the broad social strata of a decent life, especially residents of the disadvantaged provinces, youth and alumni … In a way that guarantees preparation for early and fair elections, and to complete Building state institutions on solid ground that meets the aspirations of our people to provide services, reconstruction, and political, security and economic stability, and to ensure a real and urgent fight against corruption and enhance Iraq’s standing among the countries of the region and the world.