Al-Haidari: The Crisis Will End With The Presence Of The Wise And Wise People From The Current And The Framework

Al-Haidari: The Crisis Will End With The Presence Of The Wise And Wise People From The Current And The Framework

2022/08/02 | 5:48 PM

Al-Haidari - The Crisis Will End With The Presence Of The Wise And Wise People From The Current And The FrameworkInformation / special

The leader of the State of Law coalition, Kazem al-Haidari, confirmed, on Tuesday, that the wise and wise people from the coordination framework and the Sadrist movement can solve the current crisis smoothly and renounce sedition and division.

Al-Haidari said in an interview with Al-Information / that “Mustafa Al-Kazemi took advantage of his position in fabricating the current crises,” stressing that “he should be behind bars because he is accused in several cases and high treason.”

He added, “Al-Kazemi continues to violate the law and the constitution through the continuous change in sensitive security positions, and this portends an upcoming danger,” noting that “the caretaker prime minister broke the constitutional oath and did not preserve state institutions.”

He continued, “The current crisis and chaos in the country will end with the presence of the wise and wise people from the Sadrist movement and the coordination framework,” stressing that they “are able, with all their ability and smoothness, to renounce sedition and division between Shiite forces.”

And the representative of the Sadiqoun parliamentary bloc, Ali Turki Al-Jamali, had earlier said that “the coordinating framework has categorically rejected the renewal of the caretaker prime minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, because he is accused of many legal and constitutional violations.” Ended 25/J