Al-Haddad: Al-Kazimi’s talks are going on smoothly, and the Kurds have not set preconditions

Al-Haddad: Al-Kazimi’s talks are going on smoothly, and the Kurds have not set preconditions

20/4/2020 11:52

Al-Haddad - Al-Kazimis talks are going on smoothly and the Kurds have not set preconditions[Baghdad-Ain]
Deputy Leader of the Leading Parliament of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Bashir Haddad, revealed that the talks of Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Al-Kazemi, which he started in the past two days, are taking place smoothly and that the political parties have expressed their satisfaction with the progress of the consultations.
Haddad, in a press statement he was convinced the existence of the consensus of the parliamentary and political pass government Kazmi, “pointing out that” the Kurds did not put preconditions for negotiations with Kazmi. ”
He added Haddad said the prime minister in charge of compliance with the Constitution and to ensure that the rights of the province and the agreements concluded with a just government Abdul-Mahdi, in addition to continuing the discussions with the current government with a view to its success, especially since the country needs solidarity of everyone in light of the current circumstances, which are going through in particular and the countries of the world because of the low oil prices and the outbreak of the Corona pandemic.