Al-Dahlaki: Postponing the vote on the budget is better than passing it on its head

Al-Dahlaki: Postponing the vote on the budget is better than passing it on its head

3/21/2021 13:22

Al-Dahlaki - Postponing the vote on the budget is better than passing it on its head[Baghdad-Where]
Member of Parliament, Raad Al-Dahlaki, confirmed today, Sunday, that postponing the vote on the federal budget until next Saturday was the best option instead of passing it in haste without achieving understandings in the public interest of all components of the Iraqi people.
Al-Dahlaki said in a press statement, “We know very well that the budget has been delayed and there is a need to pass it quickly because it is related to development projects and other matters that move the wheel of the state.”

Al-Dahlaki added, “The budget represents the government’s financial policy for a whole year. Therefore, it needs to be careful, study and understandings at the highest level and to come up with a consensual balance between everyone without excluding any party and meet the aspirations of all components of the Iraqi people, especially as we live in Nowruz holidays.” “The importance of legislating a budget that does justice to most segments of society, especially the youth, in addition to setting a clear and scheduled vision for the reconstruction of the provinces, especially the liberated, which have suffered great damage.”

He stressed that “the challenges are great, including the health situation due to Corona and the economic crisis it caused, in addition to moving towards early elections next October, and all these matters require us to come up with an integrated budget that supports the political and democratic process in Iraq until the elections are held and kept them away from the pitfalls of It may have negative repercussions that directly affect everyone. ”