Al-Araji: No early elections in June … and this is what delays the announcement?

Al-Araji: No early elections in June … and this is what delays the announcement?

01/17/2021 10:48

Al-Araji - No early elections in June ... and this is what delays the announcement[Baghdad-Where]
Former Deputy Prime Minister, Bahaa Al-Araji revealed, on Sunday, that the recent meetings between political forces and presidencies had concluded that early elections would not be held next June.
Al-Araji said, in his tweet on the “Twitter” platform, that “what emerged from the recent meetings is: no early elections in June, and what delays the announcement of its new date is the will to load the election commission for this postponement.”
He added, “Also, some blocs want the date to be close to the atmosphere of the month of Muharram in order to benefit from emotional mobilization, and in any case, the date will be announced soon.”