After the “Najaf” message, four names are on the al-Sadr table for the government settlement

After the “Najaf” message, four names are on the al-Sadr table for the government settlement

2021-10-25 06:17

After the Najaf message four names are on the al-Sadr table for the government settlementShafaq News/ An informed political source revealed, on Monday, that the bloc rejecting the election results deliberated the names of three “settlement” candidates to present them to the rest of the blocs, including the Sadrist bloc.

The source, who attended the meeting of the blocs rejecting the election results last night, Sunday at the home of the leader of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, told Shafaq News Agency, “According to the current data, it is difficult for the Sadrist bloc to single out a candidate for prime minister without the support of the political parties participating in the next government.” .

He added, “Therefore, it will be searched for a compromise candidate, and this was discussed in the meeting of the parties rejecting the election results last night.”

And he indicated that “the meeting deliberated some of the settlement candidates, including Qassem al-Araji, Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani, Abdul-Hussein Abtan, and Tariq Najm, provided that the names were also presented to Muqtada al-Sadr to express his position.”

The source concluded by saying, “After a letter of reference from Najaf that cut the way for all the heads of previous governments to return to the prime ministership, it has become necessary to choose a settlement candidate, and the matter does not intersect with the Sadrists’ orientations in naming a candidate for them whose loyalty is to Iraq only.”

The atmosphere of forming the next government is still shrouded in uncertainty, and its compass is faltering between the Sadrist bloc, which won the largest number of parliamentary seats, and the coordination framework that includes Shiite blocs rejecting the election results. Matters became more complicated after talking about a crack in the coordination framework due to the division of its parties between a supporter of restoring confidence. The former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to form the next government, and others reject that.

A message from Najaf confused the Shiite blocs aspiring to the premiership, as the Najaf message included a decisive directive that put the blocs in embarrassment.

Najaf’s message included that “no party can form the next government alone, and it is not possible for those who were in power to return again under any circumstances, meaning that the road has been cut off for promoters or those seeking to restore confidence in the heads of previous governments,” according to a source who told Shafak Agency. News.

The source added; “The actors or parties controlling the political scene in Iraq are still holding the threads of the future scene’s movements, and any talk outside that context is not applicable on the ground, referring to the difficulty of the Sadrists forming the government without the approval of (America and Iran).”

Earlier today, the Sadrist movement, led by Muqtada al-Sadr, stressed that the latter does not seek to monopolize the political decision or power, as it adopts the principle of working according to the rule (partners of the nation).

Al-Sadr’s representative in Dhi Qar Governorate, Ibrahim Al-Jabri, told Shafaq News Agency, “Al-Sadr seeks to form an alliance to serve the country based on the principle or base (partners of the nation), and this denies what some are trying to promote, and also dispels the fears of some parties to the political process that fear the Sadr’s control of power.

Several political parties announced their fear of forming a Sadrist government for fear of al-Sadr’s direct intervention in its administration.

For his part, a source from Al-Hanana – Al-Sadr’s headquarters in Najaf – told Shafaq News Agency, “The political parties that reject the naming of the Sadrists, the government, are afraid to reconsider the previous and current corruption files and to refer those involved in those files to the judiciary and prosecute them.”

The source pointed out that this matter in itself “constitutes an obsession of concern to them, and from here comes the attempts to cancel the election results and manually recount and sort all electoral stations.”