After the message of Abdul Mahdi .. Assad authorizes Iraq to this

After the message of Abdul Mahdi .. Assad authorizes Iraq to this

2018/12/30 11:54

After the message of Abdul Mahdi .. Assad authorizes Iraq to this(International: al-Furat News) A government source revealed on Sunday that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad authorized Iraq to bomb sites in Damascus without returning to the Syrian authorities.
The source said in a press statement that “Iraqi aviation has been able to enter the Syrian territory and bombarded sites, without waiting for the approval of the Syrian government, which gave the green light, but only the Syrian side.”
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Saturday received a letter from Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, handed over by national security adviser Faleh al-Fayadh.
It is noteworthy that the Iraqi air announced in the past few days more than an air strike against the sites of Daash inside Syrian territory