After chest .. Maliki in Lebanon to discuss the Iraqi political developments

After chest .. Maliki in Lebanon to discuss the Iraqi political developments

Published on: 13-04-2016, 16:38

After chest - Maliki in Lebanon to discuss the Iraqi political developmentsBAGHDAD / Sky Press: Mary finest

An informed political source, Wednesday, for the determination of the Secretary-General of the Dawa Party, Nouri al-Maliki’s visit to the Lebanese capital Beirut to discuss the latest political developments in Iraq.

The source told “Sky Press”, “The secretary-general of the Dawa Party, plans to visit the Lebanese capital Beirut soon, in order to meet a number of Lebanese officials there.”

“The visit aims to discuss the latest political developments on the Iraqi arena.”

The cleric Moqtada al-Sadr morning, arrived in the Lebanese capital Beirut on a surprise visit.

The House Speaker Salim al-raising, on Wednesday, the meeting on Thursday after a brawl fistfights and bottles of water between the high Nassif MP and deputy from the Kurdistan Alliance because of differences over ministerial cabin and demands the dismissal of the three presidencies.

During today’s session, a state of chaos, because of objections by some MPs to entrust the MP Mishan al-Jubouri submit an application requires the dismissal of the three presidencies.

A number of members of the House of Representatives held a sit, on Tuesday, the (12 April 2016), inside the parliament hall to protest the second ministerial cabin given by the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, yesterday, and to adjourn the meeting without a resolution of the cabinet reshuffle, as demanded dissolution of the Presidency parliament, tasked MP Alexander and berries management meetings of the parliament rather than the President of the Council, Salim al.

The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, ladder, on Thursday (31st March 2016), the new government formation to the President of the House of Representatives, Saleem al-Jubouri, the file is closed, while the parliament voted to give confidence to the candidates within ten days