Adjusting the exchange rate of the dollar .. Deputy: There is a development that may allow a return to the price of 1200 dinars

Adjusting the exchange rate of the dollar .. Deputy: There is a development that may allow a return to the price of 1200 dinars

MONDAY, MARCH 22-2021, PM 4:35

USD-Iraqi dinarA member of Parliament, Amer Al-Fayez, spoke about the existence of an ongoing parliamentary movement to restore the dollar exchange rate to its previous position in the 2021 budget.

The winner said in a televised statement, “We invested in the arrival of the budget to the House of Representatives in order to pressure the government to restore the current exchange rate of the dollar to the previous one, which amounted to 1200 dinars, because the price of oil rose to 70 dollars.”

He added, “All the political blocs in the House of Representatives refuse to raise the exchange rate of the dollar and demand that it be returned to the previous one, because the government raised it in order to supplement the budget with 10 trillion dinars, and now it got 22 trillion dinars due to the high price of oil and others, and it can be modified after this rise.”

And Deputy Muhammad Othman Al-Khaldi confirmed, on Saturday, that the majority of MPs are now with a change in the exchange rate of the dollar in the 2021 budget.

Al-Khaldi said, “Most of the members of Parliament have changed the current exchange rate of the dollar, especially with the recovery in the oil market and the increase in the selling prices of a barrel in the last three months, which reduced the financial gap that was behind the decision to raise the dollar exchange rate a few weeks ago to 1450 dinars, thus increasing Prices, including food, “according to” Baghdad Today. ”

Al-Khalidi added, “According to the law, determining the exchange rate of the dollar is subject to the powers of the Central Bank, as it is an independent institution that has a general framework in drawing the country’s financial policy.” With the economic situation and reducing its effects on large segments, especially since the country has a poverty rate of up to 30%, which calls for high flexibility in dealing with the file of the dollar price.

The House of Representatives decided yesterday, Saturday, to postpone the session for voting on the budget for a full week.

The council’s media department said in a statement that “in view of the continuing discussions on the draft budget law and to give the competent committees an opportunity for further review and scrutiny, it was decided to postpone the vote on the draft budget law until Saturday, March 27, 2021, at one in the afternoon.