Adhere to the rule of law Maliki for a third term, and confirms that the “surprises” in the coming days

Adhere to the rule of law Maliki for a third term, and confirms that the “surprises” in the coming days, you’ll get

28/07/2014 15:51

Adhere to the rule of law Maliki for a third term and confirms that the surprises in the coming daysBAGHDAD / tomorrow Press confirmed a coalition of state law, on Monday, he still adheres to the candidate through Nuri al-Maliki to head the next government, and among that there is no intention to replace it with another candidate, said he parliamentary bloc, the largest number in the House of Representatives.
The Coalition MP Ibtisam al-Hilali for “tomorrow Press”, “The rule of law Egypt and strong Maliki’s nomination for a third term, on the grounds that the coalition is the biggest bloc in terms of parliamentary seats, and this is on providing its candidate for the post of prime minister.”
She added that “discussions are ongoing between state law and the political blocs to agree asking Maliki to form the next government,” noting that “there will get a surprise in the next few days.”
He announced a coalition of state law, earlier, that the Federal Court had told him that the biggest bloc, which called him to ask the President of the Republic instructed to form a government.
The representative of the reference in Karbala, Sheikh Abdel Mahdi al-Karbalai during Friday prayers in the past, the need to be given the next government to accept a national scale to be able to overcome the challenges of the current stage did the National Front, and the fight against terrorism and avert the threat of partition.
He pointed out that the sensitivity ÇáßŃČáÇĆí stage makes it imperative for all parties to show national spirit and self Nkerat and not adhering to sites and positions and to deal flexibly with the development of the country’s internal and external interests of Iraq and to provide the personal and party interests.