Abadi will raise the banner of victory soon and we will go for reconstruction

Abadi will raise the banner of victory soon and we will go for reconstruction

6/13/2017 0:00

Abadi will raise the banner of victory soon and we will go for reconstructionBaghdad / Al- Sabah
stressed Prime Minister General Commander of the Armed Forces , Dr. Haider al – Abadi said the dream of «Daesh» in the expansion ended, adding that the banner of victory will raise soon and we will go for reconstruction, construction and stability, while vowed to prosecute organized crime and kidnapping owners, as well as the protection of citizens.
Ebadi said, during a meeting with a group of heroes band: «We are determined to protect citizens and to hold accountable and prosecute the owners of organized crime, kidnapping and others provide security and freedom of citizens».
Park Abadi, in a statement, the fighters «victories achieved by the heroes of the special division in many battles and who have made sacrifices in Makhoul, Tikrit, Fallujah and other mountains after the united efforts with the army and police forces and the federal anti – terrorism and the crowd popular and the Peshmerga and the tribes in achieving these victories».
Prime Minister , who noted that «not one of the leaders of the world was a dream that is achieved victory over Daesh so quickly», pointed out that «disperse led to the entry Daesh and unity led to the victories and liberating the land», noting that «there was a great cohesion between the citizen and his forces security thanks to the fatwa of Jihad Ulkipaia to Sayyed Ali Sistani ».
Abadi said that «soon will raise the banner of victory and heading for the reconstruction and construction and stability after Iraq has become a graveyard for Doaash and ended their dream of lying down.»
