A recommendation to form a department specialized in contracts … Committee: We need direct arrest warrants to prevent the defendants from escaping

A recommendation to form a department specialized in contracts … Committee: We need direct arrest warrants to prevent the defendants from escaping

08/19/2020 12:42

A recommendation to form a department specialized in contracts ... Committee - We need direct arrest warrants to prevent the defendants from escapingBAGHDAD – Ayna News
The Parliamentary Integrity Committee recommended, on Wednesday, the formation of a department specialized in all concluded contracts, to limit corruption and hold them accountable in the event of legal forms, while it confirmed that some cases require direct arrest warrants against people to prevent them from escaping.
A member of the committee, Sabah Talobi, said, according to the official media, that “some cases require direct arrest warrants, due to proof of priorities. Therefore, it is preferable to freeze work and arrest the person to prevent him from escaping, and there is an arrest of decisions.”
Taloubi stressed, “the importance of forming a committee or department concerned with matters related to contracts, so that all of them pass through them. Therefore, they will bear responsibility before everyone in the event that there are contracts that contain legal forms, and we can pursue a certain number from one department.”
A member of the committee pointed out that “the wheel of passing judgments against the corrupt is very slow, not commensurate with the size of the thousand files of corruption, so we demand that the judiciary be a deterrent body by issuing judgments against the corrupt as quickly as possible, so that they obtain their just penalty.”
