A leader in Badr: Respecting state institutions and allowing them to operate is one of the most important conditions of the framework for holding elections

A leader in Badr: Respecting state institutions and allowing them to operate is one of the most important conditions of the framework for holding elections


A leader in Badr - Respecting state institutions and allowing them to operate is one of the most important conditions of the framework for holding electionsThe leader of the Badr Organization, Salam Hussein, affirmed, on Saturday, that it is not possible to hold early elections and dissolve parliament without prior planning and study.

Hussein said in a televised interview that “respecting state institutions and allowing them to work is one of the most important conditions of the framework for holding elections.”

He added, “The conditions for the coordination framework regarding holding early elections are clear and come within the framework of commitment to the constitution.”

He pointed out that “the parliament cannot be dissolved in the midst of these tense and tense political conditions and without the presence of an authentic government or the election of the president of the republic at the very least.”
