A historic agreement and a special file that the French President will carry on his visit to Iraq soon

A historic agreement and a special file that the French President will carry on his visit to Iraq soon

08/29/2020 15:10

A historic agreement and a special file that the French President will carry on his visit to Iraq soon[Baghdad-Where]
Member of the Foreign Relations Committee in the Iraqi Parliament, Mukhtar Al-Mousawi, revealed, on Saturday, the files that French President Emmanuel Macron is carrying on his visit to Iraq soon.
Al-Mousawi said, according to the Russian news agency Sputnik, that the French President, Macron, will visit the capital, Baghdad, next month, after changing the date of his visit, which was agreed upon by the French Defense Minister, Florence Parly.
Moussawi added that the files carried by the French President on his visit to Iraq, on top of which are the discussion with the Iraqi government on electricity, because there is a German-French agreement on electric power.
He stressed, and Macron also carries with him a special file on Iraq’s borders with neighboring countries, namely: Syria, Turkey and Iran.
He continued, that the French President’s talks are economic and focus on energy.
The Minister of the French Armies, Florence Parly, arrived in Baghdad last Thursday, August 27, and held talks with the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, her counterpart Jumah Inad al-Jubouri, and the leader of the international coalition forces led by the United States of America against terrorism.
Iraq suffers from a crisis in electric power over many years and a continuous interruption of the current current that prompted citizens to go out in angry popular protests, especially in the central and southern governorates, which witness a great rise in temperatures that exceed half the boiling point of water during the summer season.
