A Fatah Member Is Likely To Repeat The 2018 Scenario In Forming The Next Government

A Fatah Member Is Likely To Repeat The 2018 Scenario In Forming The Next Government

01/03/2022 | 11:15 AM

A Fatah Member Is Likely To Repeat The 2018 Scenario In Forming The Next Government Information/Baghdad…

On Monday, a member of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Muhammad Al-Baldawi, suggested that the next government would be formed by the agreement of the Shiite forces, as happened in 2018, stressing that the picture of rapprochement between the coordination framework and the Sadrist movement has become clear.

Al-Baldawi said in a statement to / the information /, that “the image of rapprochement between the coordination framework and the Sadrist movement became clear through Mr. in the government of Adel Abdul-Mahdi.

He added that “the forces of the framework and competition will certainly lay the foundations and constants that will be dealt with in the government’s program and then go to other political blocs.”

Al-Baldawi pointed out that “the difficulty that the next government faces is naming the President of the Republic, because this position requires two-thirds of the votes, and this requires an understanding between all forces.” Ended / 25 AD
