A deputy reveals the difficulty of holding early elections and the fate of contracts concluded by the caretaker government

A deputy reveals the difficulty of holding early elections and the fate of contracts concluded by the caretaker government

20/2/2020 18:11

A deputy reveals the difficulty of holding early elections and the fate of contracts concluded by the caretaker governmentOn Thursday, independent member of Parliament Bassem Khashan revealed the difficulty of holding early elections, as well as the fate of contracts concluded by the current caretaker government.
“With regard to early elections, this will be a difficult and almost impossible procedure, especially after what the Commission has stated that there is no body endorsing the election results and this is an issue that can be overcome later,” Khashan said in a [press statement].

Khashan pointed out that “the government will keep all contracts that violate the law concluded by the caretaker government,” noting that they are “large contracts in all ministries, as well as licenses granted in violation of the law”, stressing the need “to cancel these contracts by the new government, as they are not Legal and issued by a body that does not have authority.

Khashan continued: “I imagine that Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi [the Prime Minister-designate] will be busy with formal measures through which he tries to gain the satisfaction of the street,” indicating the difficulty of the matter “because the street is now more aware than before.” is over
