A Deputy Presents The “Optimal Solution” To Form The Next Government

A Deputy Presents The “Optimal Solution” To Form The Next Government

06/04/2022 | 10:22 AM

A Deputy Presents The Optimal Solution To Form The Next GovernmentThe Information/Baghdad..
State of Law Representative, Faisal Al-Naeli, confirmed, on Saturday, that the consensual government is the best solution in the current situation, noting that the formation of the government will only proceed by consensus and that it be formed by all political parties.
Al-Naeli said in an interview seen by / the information /, that “the political blockage still exists and the blocs still maintain their positions, and we hoped that during the past days there would be a political breakthrough, but it has not been achieved yet.”
He added that “political differences exist, and solutions must be put to them through the dialogue table,” noting that “the formation of the government will only proceed by consensus and that it be formed by all political parties, and not forming it in this way will cause problems and intersections, and therefore the affected is the citizen,” calling “The heads of political blocs to sit at the dialogue table, leave differences and political stubbornness, and advance the interests of the citizen.”
Al-Naeli explained, “The consensual government is the best solution in the current situation, and the blocs cannot participate or vote for a government without having representation in the government, and we are supportive of consensus and are ready to compromise on many challenges, but we like to have an opinion on the government and also its program.” which you will present.” finished/25
